As long as we have a strong President like Trump, the chances are low. Having a weak-jawed idiot like Biden in office who has presented America as a weak nation and arming the enemy with our most sophisticated weapons is an open invitation that only increases the chances of an attack.
I agree. The Taliban/Al Qaeda are nothing more than bullies. If they see weakness, they take advantage of it. -
Thanks for your comments -
Trump is the domestic terrorist who led an assault against our own US Capitol Building -
Army Veteran
You're delusional, orange-hater, and everyone knows it. Why don't you just stop with your worn-out accusations?
you make it sound like they're "aiming" from far away. Biden let all the terrorists in through the border. Between the drug dealers, the pedos, the rapists, the child and human traffickers, and the unvetted Afghans, we should have another 9/11 by the end of the year thanks to that corrupt senile old coot in the WH and his leftist minions in the media, Congress, the FBI, the CIA, Homeland Security, the NSA and SCOTUS!
I don't know what to say -
You can't say anything that matters to the members of the TINFOIL HAT Club, DWW. It's pointless to apply intelligence and logic to people who eat-up conspiracy theories and take Horse Medication. It's complete lunacy. Whore-buying Don Trump is the domestic terrorist who led an assault against our own US Capitol Building - and they cannot even see that because they are busy worshiping him for buying prostitutes and bragging about sexually assaulting women. -
Army Veteran
LOL. I've gotta hand it to you, Orange-hater. You're tenacious (look that word up) in your baseless, repetitive, parroting accusations. But with your limited vocabulary, you really can't bring anything intelligent to the table, can you? -
Just facts - facts are just facts, they don't contain a level of intelligence -- but you wear a TINFOIL HAT to help you magnetically attract your conspiracy theories that you rage about without any evidence, so how the hell would you know? LOL - by the way, how's your STOLEN ELECTION and HORSE MEDICATION working these days, Snooks?
Yes there are terrorists in the US They are known as the KKK, various neonazi organizations and other hate groups. There were terrorists in the US capitol 1/1/21.
I don't know what to say -
Army Veteran
1/6/21 -
It was 1/6/2021, and that was when Orange Don Trump was the domestic terrorist who led an assault against our own US Capitol Building. Those organizations you named - KKK, Proud Boys, NeoNazis - they are the ones who support the Whore-Buying Orange Emperor, send money to his campaign, and they love that he is a self-admitted, proud avowed White Supremacist. -
Army Veteran
The KKK and neo-Nazis are of Democrat origin - you should know this if you want to be an anti-Trumper. -
Correct - they were in those days - and what people comprised the Democratic Party at the time those organizations were formed? SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS - the same people who comprise today's Republican Party. The Party Platforms have changed almost a dozen times through history -- is your TINFOIL HAT on so tight that you don't know that?? The same way a coward like you calls your fake GOP the "party of Lincoln" when Lincoln was a northern liberal, and today's GOP would have nothing to do with him!!
No. Quite the opposite. The United States empire is the terrorist aiming for other countries. It needs to be broken up like the Soviet Union was, and for the same reasons.
Thanks for your comment -
Army Veteran
You're correct. However, the answer to the question should be "yes" with an addendum of "they're bringing it on themselves".
the only terrorist to be concerned about is the CIA and the FBI
Thanks for your comment
Currently, we are a long distance from the other side of the world but the distance is getting shorter.
Nothing says they can't use ships or undersea Submarines to send strikes to hit America
Joe Biden is making the Taliban great again and the Democrats seem to be doing everything they can to make this possible as it will be a further excuse to limit liberty and increase their control. "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before"--Rahm Emanuel
LOL - another name for the TINFOIL HAT Club. -
Army Veteran
"Tinfoil" - you can't even get that right. The term "tin foil" is no longer used by intelligent people (hmmm...?). What uneducated people call "tinfoil" (or "tin foil") is actually aluminum foil. The manufacturing of tinfoil was discontinued after WW2. You should buy my book, "How To Participate in a Meaningful Conversation". -
Wow, thanks for the 2nd Grade History lesson. But the "term" TINFOIL HAT WEARING IDIOT, is still used TODAY, to describe the morons who easily but into conspiracy garbage. You know the type, Mr. Horse Medication... Mr ELECTION WAS STOLEN - but NO PROOF! LMFAO!! -
Yes I agree
America has become a self-designated police force for the world, concentrating most of its efforts in the Middle East. Their focus is to take out regimes that do not conform with American ways of life. It happened in Germany (twice), Iraq, Libya (who can forget Hillary's cackle, "We came, we saw, he died" remark about Muammar Qaddafi?). Oddly enough (not really, if you know what's going on), the only country America has always protected is Israel. It's no wonder we have such threats from the Middle East. Strong leadership from leaders like Donald Trump has maintained a strong defensive military and has kept our enemies at bay. Weakling Pinnochio Joe, on the other hand, has sent the Taliban an engraved invitation to launch an attack against America by the way he has handled America's defense policies - including the defunding of police at the local level.
WOW -- Snooks must be wearing a really tight TINFOIL HAT today! LOL -
Army Veteran
(Sigh!) Still in denial. (You can send them to school, but what do you do when they refuse to learn...?) -
Wow Far-Right Radicals
Sure...ESPECIALLY now that the Taliban has taken over Afghanistan again. Before the Afghanistan War we weren't their special enemies and they were just harboring an organization that DID count us as a special enemy. Now, after booting them out of power in Afghanistan and keeping them out of power for so many years, we are their FOREMOST enemy and they WILL - eventually - either be planning terrorist attacks against us and/or preferentially harboring and/or funding anti-US terrorist organizations. It'll be at least a few months, which they will spend making sure of their control over Afghanistan, but once they're satisfied with their level of control over the country they WILL be gunning for us, either directly or indirectly.
Yes I see
I think that, at any given point in time, since 1800 or so, there has been at least one person with ill will toward the USA, who was planning some sort of violence as a result. To expect there to ever be zero people planning an attack against us would be incredibly naive.
Yes I see
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