Well, as someone (I think Bette Davis) said, it's not for sissies. Dealing with all the health issues that crop up -- often minor ones, but there may be a lot of them -- is not easy. I'm not elderly (I'm 64), and I'm very physically active, but every time I turn around these days, there's some issue. Otherwise, I don't mind it. I like feeling that I've paid my dues in life and that I've acquired genuine wisdom and experience. along the way. I can see that it gives my opinions weight among younger people, including my students. That's gratifying.
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I am 70-years-old. It's depressing getting old, when I know that I only have a limited number of years remaining to me.
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I am a physician and ageing researcher. I don't like getting old, it comes with its problems, but there are now different treatment coming out that can prolong lifespan and slow ageing, ie. spermidine, senescent cell targeting, etc. Definitely I would like to stay 20 years old forever!
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The alternative is not very good.
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I'd rather be dead. You asked.
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never ever worried me ..its a fact of life and only the blessed get old really i think..i always feel blessed when i see the terrible things that happens to the young when their lives are taken from them . ps~~ but it would have been lovely to have stayed in my 20ies so i could wear all the gorgeous clothes
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Its better than the alternative!
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I am in my mid 70s. I had a "routine procedure" on my heart about 11 years ago. I contracted MRSA in the hospital, and it went internal. I then had to endure a total of 4 open heart surgeries to remove infected tissue. It practically ruined my lungs. I survived though, and I have looked at every day since then as a gift. I know that I am living on borrowed time, and even though all the physical failings of getting old are still there, sore back, sore joints, arthritis, enlarged prostate failing eyesight etc etc; I am happy with every day I have had above ground in the sunlight.
Aww sorry about your health God Bless -
Thanks, I feel as though God has already blessed me with an additional 11 years and counting of life.
As others have already said it's better than the alternative. I'm younger than some of the posters above but I'm into middle age. Aging is a sign of success, you're still here! Sadly too many of my contemporaries, people I knew in our teens & twenties are no longer with us. I know people 20 & even 30 years older than me & if I'm as active as they are when I'm their age (if I last that long) I'll be happy about it. I've learned from them that if you stay active & keep an open mind to new things age is just a number.
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It sucks, but life ain't all cherries and lollipops. Life is equal parts good and bad...if you're lucky (or in control)! All that is born lives, grows old, dies, enters into antarabhava, and is reborn....the circle of existence interrupted only by the end of a kalpa.
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