The Two-Faced Politician Unfortunately, their population keeps increasing. . . . . In the U.S., I wish those "Chinese Ladybugs" would go extinct. They don't need to go extinct in their native habitat.
Lol that you compare polticians to animals.
The reality is that all animals on the planet coexist so to wish a certain animal to be extinct is just being bad and ugly inside. Animals have the right to live their lives the same as people. Anyone who disagrees are scum of the Earth.
Um okay, thanks for your opinion but, I feel like Mosquito's would be nice to be extinct. After careful examination if the food chain can handle that. -
Shadow Of The Mind
How do you know that mosquitoes will be extinct? Do you have proof to backup your claim? -
I don't at all, that'd be nice in my opinion though.
all animals deserve to live
As a species, the human race really could use about 1 or 2 less of a group Asians and whites, and anymore, a lineage of blacks too. We could stand to lose 1/2 of all humans.
Isn't that what Thanos felt in Avengers Infinity War? Thats why he snapped ½of humanity away with the glove. -
I saw that. I think he was right, lol
Murder hornets is my vote. They are destroying the honey bee population.
People, sometimes
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