Salt and fresh lemon juice, needle, dull scalpel and pliers. Imagine that on the finger and toe nails.
Imagine 1 g of capsation that's the concentrate chemical from peppers suspended in alcohol sprayed upon your entire body you would literally experience the pain of hellfire -
Linda Joy
Its capsaicin. -
Salt and lemon in beds of fingernails and toenails is hell fire by its own right. Ever had those in a cut on a finger? I know that hurts awful. And yeah, It would only be a start with the finger and toes, go up from there.. Thanks for the comment and interesting conversation.
You have no idea what I could come up with.
What do you mean divide? I almost passed out and vomited when a gyn pulled on my cervix that had been surgically attached to my back. But I've also been beat, by parents, step parents and exes. And to this day what hurts the most was when my grandson was taken from me. Emotional pain is much worse than the physical. The physical heals, even if it leaves scars. Emotional pain stays with you. But torture for information extraction doesn't work.
Pulling your armpit hairs out one at a time. 😖
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