Any that are illegal/endangered, unless of course you are licensed to care for them. I don't feel its my place to tell others what they can and can't do. Those making those laws are more informed than I am.
a pit bull if you have children
Linda Joy
My son was bit by a neighbor's chow.
A dog because I hate them and only love cats.
Linda Joy
HATE is a 4 letter word! Why can't we all just love one another?!! lol
Bubonic plague.
Venomous snakes comes to mind.
Anything that has not been domesticated over the centuries, that normally lives wild.
reptiles and birds. birds are meant to fly and be free. and reptiles should also be left in the wild. they stink too.
You should never have a tiger as a pet.
A giraffe, definitely not practical in a house.
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