Social security is the textbook example of a Ponzi Scheme. No way it'll last forever, and, when it ends, an entire generation is going to get the shaft.
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I think it would be stupid and wrong, and would wind up with ALL elderly and disabled in the street. If that is going to be cut, so should the tax that pays for it in our paychecks, but I do think the system will just absorb that tax rather than let people keep it.
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The govt may run out of money.
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It may be cut for younger people just starting to get SS.
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Well good luck to the youngsters who will be responsible for figuring it out. I'll probably be dead by then anyway and since this is a democracy whatever they get will be what they have created so they can sleep in the bed they made. Maybe now they will do more searches on how to fix this and which politicians are the best choice instead of sticking their heads in the sand because politics is ugly.
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How can we not afford social security but give tax cuts to billionaires?
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