I hate to be the bearer of doom and gloom, but, honestly, it can't be done. It's not even the government's top concern. If there are bad guys out there and there are weapons out there, the bad guys will get some of the weapons. Just think about how ISIS got ahold of so many RPG's and mortars and bombs and stuff. It's inevitable. And, sadly, it's inevitable that one day, one of these bad groups will somehow get their hands on a nuclear bomb. This guy in Atlanta bought a gun the same day he went on a shooting rampage. Then the cops catch him and say it "was a really bad day for him." I dunno 'bout you, but, last time I had a "really bad day," one of the things I definitely did NOT do was go purchase a gun and shoot up a massage parlor. So, anyway, we CAN do things to control this better than we do. Right now, it's obviously the wild west here in the USA. If you want to get a gun, depending on where you live, you could possibly get one with varying degrees of effort, either legally or illegally. On the other hand, if you are having a mental breakdown, it's quite a bit more difficult to get what you need. I think if we took mental health more seriously in this country, we could avoid as much as 3/4 of these shootings.
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You can not do it. Guns are sold everywhere. Even on the streets.
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I agree with bostjan, its not about the tool used its about the mental health of the individual wielding the weapon. And it starts at home. Parents need to stop living in denial, protecting their children from the consequences of their actions, get a clue and get the kid help if they need it. They are not doing their children (or the world) any favors by denying the kid did anything wrong. There needs to be more monitoring in the classrooms and more early intervention by the counselors. There needs to be more mental health services available to the general public and especially those predisposed to mental health issues. Especially those that have lost jobs, have been charged with violent or sex crimes, those being released from prison, the homeless, etc. Every managerial worker should be trained in spotting red flag behavior. Every man and woman (especially celebrities) should report violent, stalking or mental behavior. There should be a database for this stuff. People aren't usually "deemed dangerous" until AFTER they go on a rampage. And like I told you before if they can't find a gun they'll use another method: knives, bombs, NBC (nuclear, chemical and biological) weapons. A chainsaw if that's what is within their reach! ITS NOT ABOUT GUNS! Its about mental health.
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well here in australia every person over 75 needs to go to a doctor Yearly to Prove they are of sound mind and capable of still driving!!! so the people who have a lethal gun licence needs to go to a Shrink Yearly to Prove they are sane and not have any mental problems..every one in the house needs to be checked because the ones with no licence ends up getting the gun anyways lots of times as the gun cabinet is not locked etc
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That is beyond our ability. As far as I know, that is beyond the ability of any human government at this time. Even nations with the least violent crime have a problem with criminals illegally using firearms (though of course typically far less problem with that than does the U.S.). Even a complete ban - like: a U.N. treaty - on firearms production would not solve the problem. If such a thing were to happen (we'd have to pretend, of course), non-U.N. nations would be producing and exporting firearms, and they would be sold on the "black market".
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Prevention is a lost cause, but you can discourage and guarantee against any repeat performance. Firstly a long prison term with zero parole for anyone that uses a gun to commit a violent crime. Next, mandatory death sentence for everyone that uses a gun to commit a violent crime a second time, a speedy execution, and have it televised.
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Reinstate the “hard 5” sentencing laws the NRA spent hundreds of Thousands of lobbying dollars & 9 years of the 1990s getting passed into law. In case you’ve forgotten it added a mandatory extra 5 years to your sentence if you used a gun while committing a crime. Naturally the liberal judges & the soft on crime Clinton administration used all their political power to get it neutered.
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Execute Da Bluds and Da Crips (and any other violent street gangs), along with the mafia, and any other Black Market purveyors. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Don't hold your breath! The leftards would dump a collective load in their collective undies, and would screech REEEEEE! all the way to Washington!
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