I would think these are about 40 % accurate not sure whether it's okay to buy one?
Accurate at doing what? Telling you your ethnic background? Finding your lost relatives? Predicting your genetic health risks? Those are all boldly different things, in terms of how the outcome is defined. Your DNA is basically your blueprint as a person, so I can't imagine what would be *more* accurate at telling you where your ancestors whence your ancestors came. Even if you spoke to a 103 year old aunt (as one does), memories get foggy and sometimes kids are secretly adopted or affairs happen, and you can't trust what people say.
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Varies by company. I'm not sure if this is an actual ratings list or an ad, but they give you the top 3:
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They seem to make good connections with relatives.
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I was going to arrange this for my parents birthdays, but when I looked into it, the initial test is really random, and only gives a rough idea of what area you are from. You have to pay more to get things more exact, of course that's where the money is made. I always look at the customer reviews on this type of thing DWW.
Thank you, Creamcrackered -
You're welcome
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