I like to slice cheese myself and put it on the crackers, but I don't eat a lot of cheese, I know my name may suggest otherwise :D but it's meant as rhyming slang for "knackered" as in exhausted.
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I'm learning dairy is not good for someone who has had breast cancer 😒 But peanut butter crackers are good for diabetics to keep on hand. I like cheese slices and creamed cheese, but will be eating less of it. I also like milk and cottage cheese and motzarella, pepper jack and colby jack and extra Italian blend cheese on pizza! What am I going to do? Oh well, I'll learn! I always do!
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slices of cheese
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slices. spreading cc is too much work ☺
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In both cases I prefer bread to crackers. Find a type of bread that is very tasty to your personal taste (for example: for my taste, NOT sweet, and for medical; reasons 100% whole grain), and compare bread-and-cheese to crackers-and-cheese. I think you'll find that bread makes a much tastier "plank" than do crackers. *** If you DON'T need whole grain, I especially recommend home-made French bread, if you have the motivation, though a high-quality store-bought French bread will do in a pinch.
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funny you should ask, a couple weeks back i bought some cream cheese for my savoury bickies , i not bought it for over 20 odd yrs lol and i thought id get some lol nice on toast as well
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