Linda Joy
Good to see you back!
Linda Joy
He gives everyone their just reward without us ever having to get our hands or minds dirty. I've seen it over and over when I let it go.
My sharp tongue!
Linda Joy
That's a two edged sword! It cuts both ways! -
Professor Yaffle
It's probably got me out of more trouble than it's got me into! -
Linda Joy
So you're also lucky! lol
WristRocket slingshot for long distance. Bamboo walking stick for up close and personal attitude adjustments. Fei Biao for inbetween.
Linda Joy
I saw on an old episode of Criminal Minds that inside 21 feet a knife will beat a gun. I like the idea of a walking stick at this point in my life. It gives the illusion of crippled and weak. Lets not forget the power of a disguise as a weapon. -
Doubt it. The effective range of a knife (hand-to-hand) is the length of the arm plus length of the knife), and for throwing...about fifteen feet. The 'stockmans cane' made of hickory (, & martial arts cane made of bamboo or rattan are very effective with minimal training. See the I Cane Do videos ( for basics.
My hands and feet if necessary for self defence
Linda Joy
That's good for one who is young and agile, but injuries... broken bones, the resultant arthritis and age impose limits on this weapon. But I'm sure a prepared man such as yourself has a backup, right? -
Bear Spray, Red Sand or Blinding Sand are other options. -
Shadow Of The Mind
Linda Joy, if I need a backup I will ask a friend or relative for help if necessary
I'm a Black Belt in Karate. I don't need a weapon.
none,im not violent
I'll take the compound bow I'm used to using that.
Thermonuclear warhead...
Linda Joy
I like to fight with words to get my opinion and views heard. Words can be used as a weapon. As a pacifist, I don't like violence and war because it's wrong to affect people's rights. It's better to use words as a weapon although some people don't listen to what I say but that's their problem.
*Edited* (Duplicate occurred)
The Lord Jesus Christ
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