No. Its past time.
I have a pretty amateur understanding of this stuff, but...Yeah- seems like we should be figuring things out now before it gets heated. It wouldn't surprise me if the US did it first via Blue Origin or Space-X. Did you see the movie Ad Astra with Brad Pitt? "Here we go again. Fighting over resources." I worry more about a Kessler effect from the ridiculous amount of satellite constellations being approved. Then we all go nowhere.
Linda Joy
Our youth need to get the space trash collection and disposal system up and running! Where's the space vacuum cleaner?
Fun fact: The USA and China both signed a treaty promising not to cache any weapons on the Moon, nor station any military personnel there for hostile purposes. I get the feeling that neither of those two parties expect the other party to stick to that promise, and therefore, will not stick to that promise. Self-fulfilling prophecy?
Linda Joy
They'll both have military and weapons on the ships though! And the first break in the treaty nullifies it.
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