Globally, the whole world is cleaner than it has ever been in the past because of covid, though most people wouldn't even want to see any good that came from the virus. A lot of amazing things have happened because of 'the plague'. Personally and worst for me was that my son is not coming for Christmas this year because of the virus. But I'd rather us all stay safe and respectful of the vulnerabilities of others. Have you requested a tutor or aide to help when you are virtual? Tell your teacher. But be sure and do your part and do extra study when you don't understand. Find a homework help site and tell them you're struggling with online learning. Don't let anything get in the way of your education. If you don't learn well one way tell them. But be sure you put in a good, honest effort and do your best.
Thanks so much for the advice. I'll try my best with my school! You're right, when Covid came strutting into everyone's lives, the world became much cleaner. And I'm sorry about your son not being able to come home. I miss my brother, and he can't come home either.
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