• If 12 assignments at 100 % equals a grade of 100, each assignment is worth 8.33%. So 50% of one assignment = 4.16. Deducting that from 100=95.84. PS:That seems right. If not, I am open for correction.
  • I took 1150 (total points) divided by 12 assignments and got 95.83. But I'd suggest you learn what you missed on the 50 score because it will probably be repeated on the final.
  • Depend on the relative weight of the assignments and the weight of other scores (tests, quizzes, participation, etc.). If your other grades are simikar, on average, you should have nothing to worry about.
  • IF all assignments are "weighed" equally by the teacher then your percentage grade score is given by . . . . [total of all grades (in percent)]/([total of assignments] * 100) . . . So in your example: 1150/1200 = 96%

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