I'd feel that he doesn't really care about anyone other than himself.
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I'd feel like he finally took his liberal glasses off and heard accurate scientific information from the New England Journal of Medicine and stopped trying to stir up panic in the world like a typical liberal! "We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic."
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Did you read your own source?!: "We understand that some people are citing our Perspective article (published on April 1 at as support for discrediting widespread masking. In truth, the intent of our article was to push for more masking, not less." If not, you should read it in full. -
Linda Joy
This is not trolling! I'm quoting accurate information from the NEJM! And I seldom make it to the end of any article!! And I've never told anyone not to mask! People need to make informed choices, and this is part of the information that is not published by the liberal mass media. I don't care if you're a lib or not, that's your choice and everyone should get off the backs of the politicians for their choices and just vote who they want in there. But I'm definitely opposed to the liberal media censoring the information needed for people to make informed choices and I'm tired of people like you trying to silence my opinion just because you don't like it! -
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Army Veteran
@ bostjan64 - I read the article and it appears that you want to focus on what's beyond what Linda Joy said but disregard her quoted statement. She isn't criticizing the effectiveness of the mask INSIDE the medical facilities, she's pointing what they admitted about the effectiveness of the masks OUTSIDE the medical facilities. According to your logic, we're all living inside medical facilities and therefore should berate Linda Joy for her support of not wearing a mask outside of medical facilities.
That would be CRAZY....and the people that would go would be CRAZY
Thank You :)
I would welcome it. Everyone would be able to see what an idiot he is.
Linda Joy
The libs censor everything Biden says, otherwise the man can't think on his own and starts babbling like the senile idiot he is! I'd vote for Trump just to keep the other two idiots out of office!! -
Archie Bunker
I think it's sad, really. I really think the guy is lost in the sauce. Old and senile. Dementia coming on? Or, you know, the thing? -
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Army Veteran
Biden was never qualified to run for President. His corruption was obvious as far back as his quid pro quo against Ukraine that he was dumb enough to brag about. His being in the Oval Office is not the result of him "winning an election". The voters in this country could clearly see that he was unfit for the job - his handlers only wanted him as a figurehead because 1) he was a popular vote magnet, and 2) he was an easily controllable puppet. Kamala Harris has less leadership experience than Biden. She totally washed out in her campaign for President and yet, she managed to get elected as Vice President. There was no election in 2020 - it was technological manipulation to steal the Presidency.
he is smart enough not to do it.
Thanks for your comment great answer :) -
Army Veteran
No, he's not. Biden isn't smart enough to read plain English when it's right there in front of him.
He wouldn't. He's not a self-centered jerk who only cares about his own comfort.
Thanks for your comment :) -
He just can't walk up stairs.
Ha! Ha! Ha! A "huge" rally for Biden would be like speaking at the Coast Guard Academy commencement where the audience was required to attend. Otherwise it would be himself and 14 others social distancing.
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He already allows thousands of covid infected across the border. What's the diff?
Thanks for sharing your comment well appreciated
Biden couldn't fill up a HS auditorium. He'd be the only idiot wearing a mask. crickets wouldn't even show up. LOL!
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Didn't Trump do that in North Carolina? It didn't work for him did it? lol
I do agree with you , thanks for the comment
"Huge rally"? You're talking about "not my PRESIDENT" Joe Biden, right? LOL Are you on drugs?
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What I want to know is if people believe that God Will Protect Them from the Corona virus, how come they still need guns?😋😌😗
I do agree with you , thanks for the comment
Masks don't work. Even a properly fitted N95 mask only protects down to .3 microns. The snot rags people are placing on their faces do little of nothing.
I do agree with you , thanks for the comment
Biden couldn't fill a port-a-potty!
Would you like to meet President Biden someday?
The idiots would cheer him as being brave, and a fearless leader. Mastery of 'cognitive dissonance' allows the micro-brains of leftards and libturds to pull a U-turn at lightspeed, or even to go in opposite directions at the same exact time! Science fiction's dimensional jump? Spatial-unfoldment? Multiphasic anomalous transitioning? If only Stephen Hawking was still alive, he could figure out this dire secret of the leftists!
I do agree with you, thanks for the comment
Like Obama tried to do for his 60th birthday, until the media got ahold of it and he changed his plans? You people amuse me the way its all one sided. You should all know by now everything you complain about your party will do eventually, too!! If its good for one side what's to stop the other side from doing it to you?
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There's only one problem with that no one will goto a Biden rally. When they chant Lets go brandon what are they really saying? Has the demented old triator been out amoungst the general public this year real people not paid rent-a-crowd. What do you think when hes grabbing children inappropriately and sniffing their hair?
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Throughout his 2020 campaign, he couldn't hold small rallies - no one showed up. As a politician, he's as popular as a toothache.
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