You betcha! And I do get my medication in the mail! Biden is senile and you DID watch the democratic debate, didn't you? I'll admit I didn't. Just don't forget the things she said about ole Joe. Then ask yourself, would you be willing to overlook all that and get in a political bed with him if you were her? And what does that say about her, ethically, politically? Biden is senile and Harris is a token. No one is voting FOR them. They are simply voting AGAINST Trump. Even after Trump did more for you over the last 4 years than your own political representatives did!
Fake news. Trump has repeatedly said he would fund the Post Office, he just wouldn't tie it to all the other bullshit Pelosi is trying to fund in one massive bill. Keep spreading the liberal lies.
Linda Joy
That's like the FB post that was going around with a list of senators who supposedly wouldn't fund the VA. When I asked my senator who was on the list about it he told me the same thing. He was for funding, just not unlimited with a bunch of other stuff tacked on. Most of the senators voted no on that one but voted for another one without all that crap. They do this stuff all the time, and some people just believe it. -
Archie Bunker
Unfortunately, most people believe it. -
Linda Joy
I've seen so many lies flying through the liberal social media and the so called Facebook 'fact checkers' censoring conservative posts it sickens me! But when I see it I call people on it! I tell them they are spreading lies! I post the conservative views to educate people on the other side and it upsets people! Hey, I never asked anyone to agree with me, but no one is going to silence me until I'm dead!! Give me liberty or give me death!! -
Archie Bunker
And it's only going to get worse after the election, Linda. What do people think is going to happen if/when Trump gets re-elected? I have my predictions.
Did Jeff Bezos Just Admit to Exploiting USPS as Amazon’s ‘Delivery Boy’?
Archie Bunker
He used what was available to him. Good on him. The USPS should have done something more if it was loosing money on each parcel they were delivering for him if that was a problem.
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