No, I don't vote. It is beneath me.
Linda Joy
I'm sure your country thanks you for that -
Ice man
... and probably the rest of the commonwealth as well.
No need for her to run. Since Donald is his "bro" ... Kanye says he wants a crack at the gig.
Linda Joy
Should they both run? Do you think Kanye would threaten to leave the country if Kris won the presidency? LOL! -
Linda Joy
Wasn't it Kanye that threatened to leave the country if Trump was voted in? Or do I have him confused with someone else? -
Ice man
I think you might be confusing Kanye for someone else. Him and Donald get together to discuss shit, an' stuff don't ya know, yo. Cuz Donald likes Kanye's way of thinkin', an' they be bros. -
Ice man
Kris running against Kanye , would be like Donald running against Ivanka. One way or the other can you imagine how great America would be then ? -
Linda Joy
A'ite. But seriously, how much worse can it get? -
Ice man
Well I guess you'd have a choice which side of the country you want to live on, but the deciding factor would be you want to learn how to speak Russian or Chinese ? -
Linda Joy
That would be for the kids to decide. We'll never speak any other language but English as long as I'm alive. The kids will have whatever World they create for themselves! They need to learn they need to study!
No, I most certainly would not. The Kardashians are terrible people. It would be quite bad for one of them to rule a nation.
I'd vote for Kim.
How could anyone possibly imagine that any Kardashian was qualified to be President?
Let's put Pee Wee Herman on the ballot, too - he's just as qualified.
I approve her SNL appearance but never as a Presidential candidate.
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