not if he didnt do anything
Yes. Or at least until he is proven innocent of the sexual crimes he is accused of. Else it's like putting an rapist in charge of a domestic abuse shelter.
Archie Bunker
Proven innocent? Yeah...I'm not sure if you're aware of it, but it doesn't work that way in this country. -
Sandra Ursula
Hey, under US justice, you're innocent until proven guilty, but you say he's guilty until proven innocent. You're anti-American. This is a conspiracy with some women bribed to lie and try to tear down him and his family. Everybody in this conspiracy should go to prison. You'll never believe he's innocent.
No, it isn't. Voting no for him is believing he's guilty and can't be proved innocent. These women were bribed to lie about this to tear him down. Conspiracy, bribery and libel are involved, and all participants belong in prison.
Investigate and prosecute all involved for conspiracy and bribing her to act out the lie.
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