No, and neither do I love it when someone TRIES to hold me emotionally responsible for THEIR CHOICES. Dear, oh, dear. Trys, indeed.
Linda Joy
Dear, oh dear, I'm certain you've never made a mistake have you? Oh no! Wait! YOU DID MAKE A MISTAKE, DEAR! "Commas Q. An editor just changed all of my nervous character’s “Oh, dear” comments to “Oh dear” without the comma. Which is correct? A. CMOS 6.35 has this to say: “A comma usually follows an exclamatory oh or ah unless it is followed by an exclamation mark (or dash) or forms part of a phrase (e.g., “oh boy,” “ah yes”).” Since your character’s “Oh dears” fall into the exception category (an exclamation or part of a phrase), your editor was right to delete the commas." ***************** "Dear, oh, dear." INDEED!
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