Fatal error: An unhandled exception has occurred in your question. If you click "Continue," the application will ignore it and try to continue. If you click "Quit," the application will terminate immediately.
Cry me a River
Oh ok, thanks, for whatever that is -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
The question was moved, but when I responded, it was under basic programming language, so I responded with an answer appropriate to that topic.
I have an entire galaxy?!! Where is it? No, wait! Don't tell me! I'll just listen for the laughter because that's what MY GALAXY is made of!
Cry me a River
Well it is not entire without a biblical salvation.. good luck with laughter -
Linda Joy
God has a sense of humor, you know! He made the giraffe after all! -
Cry me a River
He also.made anteaters :)) -
Linda Joy
Yeah, they're pretty funny, too!
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