Seems that synergy was something in a movie once but don't ask which one. Lol😄
Synergy is a relation, rather than a constant or a variable. Examples: Constants - 1, 2, 3, pi, the square root of two, Avogadro's number, the speed of light in a vacuum. Variables: the speed of a car, the height of a projectile, the mass of a rocket, the magnetic field around a generator as it spins up. Relations: A = B, A > C, A x B - C < D.
Linda Joy
How do you know what amount to factor in when predicting productivity? It has to be a variable. Dependent on the number of people involved as well as a lot of other variables. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I think that there are a lot of ways to interpret the question. In general, synergy is the mathematical relation between A and B, such that, if A is synergistic with B, then the combined effect of A and B is greater than the sum of A plus B. If you want to write an equation to describe the synergy between A and B, then you need some more information about the situation you are trying to model. I think for workplace productivity, you can set up a sort of story problem. I'll provide an example in the comment below. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Say that there are two workers, Abby and Bart. Abby alone can produce work at a rate of A and Bart alone can produce work at a rate of B. When Abby and Bart work together, they have a mutual synergy, such that their rate of work is greater than the sum of A and B. Write a function to represent the work that Abby and Bart can perform together, taking into account the synergy between them. ANSWER: Let f(A,B) be the work output of both Abby and Bart, and let "s(A,B)" represent the amount of synergy between them as a function of A and B with units inverse to work output. Then f(A,B) = A + B + s(A,B). (Is that mathematical enough?)
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