There are recipes for "refrigerator" pickles, which are soaked for 24 hrs. Stores alternately call the usual variety of fresh cucumbers "kirby" or "pickles."
when its not spoiled
I've had pickles before that were not truly pickled - they were just seasoned cucumbers. I'm not sure if that is what people mean by "fresh pickle," though, which I agree seems like an oxymoron. Other phrases that have me scratching my head include: "a small crowd," "war on terror," "buy two and save," and "deeply superficial."
The first person that answered about cucumber and pickle is essentially correct. But there is a difference in the quality of a pickle you can boil a cucumber in your pickling mix and you get a regular run of the mill pickled cucumber. If you serve them up within a reasonable length of time. They taste better. The better pickles are field picked cucumbers. That you Blanche to kill the surface bacteria. Then you throw them in to a strong pickling solution and let them set for 2 weeks. You then put them into your jars with a 50-50 mix of pickling solution and water Those are the fresh pickles that are in the refrigerated section.
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