What do you mean there was no collusion?? What the hell have I been listening to for the last 2 years??
Linda Joy
I looked over the table of contents. I found the part about Russia having dirt on the Clintons mildly interesting, but not enough to actually read it. I seriously doubt anyone will be punished for any of the crimes. Its just another waste of tax dollars - nothing new. -
Archie Bunker
Agreed. Washington takes care of it's own and us poor ol' taxpayers keep putting them all in office. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"I seriously doubt anyone will be punished for any of the crimes." 98 charges so far (April 2019), 17 to which the party plead guilty, and several more awaiting trial. The people working on the president's campaign broke the law and now many of them are paying for it. A couple have already served their time in federal prison. The narrative here that there were no charges and the investigation found nothing is not accurate by any stretch. The president himself seems to not have been in on it. With such a corrupted campaign, including Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner, this investigation needed to happen. -
Archie Bunker
None of those in the Trump campaign that were charged were charged with anything related to collusion. It was all lying to the FBI; process crimes. And out of all your "98 charges," how many were Russian nationals who were trying to get involved with Trump? And Meuller even says in his report that Trump's folks refused to talk to them. The bottom line here, is that this whole thing was a farce. It's Trump-derangement syndrome. People still can't belive that Hillary lost. The only collusion that happened was between Hillary's camp, the FBI, CIA, DOJ and Russia. When Barr completes his investigation (we probably still won't see anything done) and when we get Comey, who admitted to leaking classified information to the press, then I'll be satisfied. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
*My* 98 charges? Who do you think I am? LOL It's stating a fact, that, so far, 98 charges have been filed. You are trying to push a false dichotomy. It is possible that both Clinton and Trump could be crooks. Proving one does nothing to disprove the other. To say that the investigation was a waste of time because no one would be punished is grossly inaccurate, and to say that it was a waste of time because it turned out inconclusive for clearing the president of collusion due to the vast amounts of obstruction might be fair, but places blame entirely on the wrong party if you think that it was Mueller's fault. -
Archie Bunker
It wasn't Mueller's fault, but he was a willing participant. When you look at the history that all the key players in the investigation have with one another, they were all involved. Like it's been said, it was an attempted coup against the elected President. And your 98 charges doesn't speak the whole truth. Manafort - 25 charges - Gates - 29 charges - Papadopoulos - 1 charge - Flynn - 1 charge - Cohen - 1 charge (so far) - Stone - 7 charges - Pinedo - 1 charge - Zwaan - 1 charge - Kilimnik - 1 charge - "Twenty-five Russian nationals and three Russian companies face 161 total charges as part of Mueller's probe." So just because you have 98 charges, doesn't mean you have 98 people who are all involved in the big conspiracy. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I never said 98 people. How many charges does it take to justify an investigation?! -
Archie Bunker
Apparently less than that, if you're a Republican. -
Linda Joy
Let me know when any of them are actually punished! -
Archie Bunker
It'll never happen. Politicians protect their own.
not yet
No, don't plan to.
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