• That I'd be bleeding like a virgin on her wedding night at almost 58!!! I had NO IDEA I'd have to budget for tampons during retirement!
    • Cry me a River
    • Cry me a River
      Tap your heels together three times and cite ,there,s no place like home, there,s no place like home..
    • Wakko
      Same for my sister and she's 64.
    • Linda Joy
      Mine was due to treating hyperplasia and a cyst on my ovary.
    • Army Veteran
      I could have gone all day without reading that. I should thank you, tho. I think that's the kind of appetite suppressant I've needed to get back on my diet and stick with it this time.
    • OrangeDonRump
      Thanks for that image, Linda, that's a really awesome post for this site - like most everything else you post here...
    • Army Veteran
      "Daddy, why can't I make friends?" "I don't know, son. Here - why don't we trade that onion around your neck for a fresh one..?"
  • to finally get on ssi, ive tried for yrs
    • Wakko
      I have, too, keep getting turned down. Fuck it, looks like I'm going to have to break down and work. xD
    • pearllederman
      you could try citizenship disability, they got rne on, their nurnber is on the net
    • Wakko
      Did I say anything about applying for something (citizenship) I already have? Did you pass your citizenship exam???? How were you drawing disability if you weren't a citizen?
    • pearllederman
      i arn a citizen, citizenship disability is the narne of a cornpany that puts people on ssi
    • Wakko
      Ah, I figured it's not "citizenship", the company is called Citizens Disability. You threw me way off course, Pearl. xD
    • Army Veteran
      You didn't have the right health issues. I had emphysema and heart failure. I'd always heard that it takes around 6 months or so to get approved and that you always got turned down the first time. I called about 3 months after applying to check on the status and the guy I spoke with said he'd been trying to reach me to let me know I was approved.
    • OrangeDonRump
      Ah, Mr Government Handout. Should've known...
  • A president that was rude and ill mannered like Trump.
    • Army Veteran
      Yeah...Biden is so much better. By the don't drive, do you?
    • OrangeDonRump
      Why does driving matter? Doesn't your Gov't Entitlement check come to you in the mail?
  • I always thought people who debated were honest with me. I never thought I'd have to debate so many liars. 😈
    • Army Veteran
      What you interpret as lies on my part is actually a lack of education on your part.
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      No, you are a liar, definitely a liar and you do it every day. And you don't care either. You are either White Supremacist or or Russian.
  • Please recognize: at one time I would never have expected these things. Eventually most of them became something I believed was inevitable, but at one point I would have never imagined such things might come to pass. *** Open homosexuality. (Good Lord! I saw a commercial last night - during Wheel of Fortune, a family show - that had two guys kissing!) *** Government-recognized same-sex marriage, with all of the same benefits as are given to others. *** Tampon commercials *** Major retail department store chains going out of business (Montgomery Ward, Woolworths, and it seems inevitable that Pennys, Sears and K-Mart will soon share that same fate...) *** NOT going bald. I have red hair, and every redheaded man I know - except me - has had a serious bald spot by the time they were 30, and fully bald by the time they were 40. Here I am 59, hair thinner, lots of silver and white and grey mixed in, but still no bald spot.
      See: "irony".

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