All of this is foretold. He who perseveres til the end will receive the crown of life. Don't denounce Christ!
Thank you for the reminder Wakko. -
"Don't denounce Christ!" -- To be factual, one really can't denounce an imaginary creature. Jus sayin...
No....J.W's , no matter how badly they are treated, will not retaliate...they, WE, are considered a 'soft' target. those big brave Russians would not even contemplate pulling the same stunt on Islam...because of Islam's record of punishing perceived insults.
That's true. Christians never retaliate. Romans 12:17-21 Return evil for evil to no one. Take into consideration what is fine from the viewpoint of all men. 18?If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men. 19?Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. 20?But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals on his head. 21?Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. -
"Christians never retaliate." -- ROFLMFAO! The one global cult that has more blood on its hands, more killing and mass murdering of people throughout history than any other group of people - all in the name of its cult god. What blind ignorance!! -
That's untrue. And communist countries who forbid religion have more blood on their hands in the most recent centuries
AB, in the past, has been quick to delete many emails dealing with Christianity presumably if they disagree with the content.
Sounds like possibly a bit too much selective censoring.
IMO Its offensive to spam this site with JW spam, like you did in your first answer. This question, however, does not link back to your spam. I'd say you're learning.
How does one question or answer qualify as spam? If you and answerbag were around at the beginning of NAZI Germany, and someone posted one link to what the NAZI Party started doing to Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, Poles, Gypsys, etc, you would say that was spam and flag it? -
As many times as one question is asked, it takes someone with a brilliant mind to copy, paste their answer, why type the same answer everytime, a waste of time. Some people just cannot figure this out. -
"Although you act like you own this site" -- this is true. LInda does act that way, and she tries very hard to get people banned who disagree with her because she's a coward, even though she, herself, drops vulgarity and filthy name-calling like nobody else you've ever seen. You, on the other hand, you do spam your website all the time, and frankly, it sucks because JWs are known child rapists, just like the Catholics are.
By no means is it offensive. Russia declared Jehovah's Witnesses to be an extremist group last year in 2018. Religious persecution continues to be widespread. The Bible clearly states that Christians will be persecuted. From being mocked by unbelievers or getting arrested for preaching is what Jesus went through. John 5:18 "If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you."
Maybe someone flagged it as spam or offensive. It happens. It's called life.
Currently there is religious persecution against Jehovah's witnesses in Russia they're being called an extremist group there's also other religious groups that are going through religious trials in Russia there is people in the United Nations that have been hired to try to resolve this problem.
welcome to cancel culture. it's the destruction of free speech.
Just as free speech allows people to erect a statue to a traitor, free speech also allows people to take down statues of traitors. It is just as free to create filth it as it is to remove filth like that. Just because you don't like it, it doesn't make it any less free.
It's entirely possible that Russia has far less tolerance for Child Rape - of the kind you find in Catholic Churches and JW Kingdom Halls. Can't say that I blame them!
No... but... it does beg the question: Why are you using a QUESTION to let people know that? That does not seem appropriate use of a question-and-answer forum (unless you're doing some sort of survey, and in that case a question-and-answer forum seems like a very poor mechanism for conducting such a survey). That being said...I don't know how or why your question was deleted. I know that I never saw it.
According to Jehovah's witnesses that are reporting what is happening to the watchtower bible and tract society there is imprisonment and torture and religious oppression.
suppose it must be if ya question was must not want political stuff or religious stuff here maybe
If you can document your claims using reliable, reputable sources, it's not offensive. If you are merely making claims you cannot support, you shouldn't be posting on the subject at all. Moreover, I have to point out that Russia does not routinely persecute Christians any more than other people and groups are persecuted there. Even during the Soviet era, the Russian Orthodox Church was not entirely suppressed. Instead, the Soviets co-opted it so as to keep it under control. People still attended church; they could still become priests, monks, and nuns.
True that -- every time I've ever seen Chritians whine about being persecuted, it is always Bullcrap. They are usually complaining because they weren't being allowed to kill someone for disagreeing with them, or they were not being allowed to discriminate against the people they hate. Cry me a river!! -
The Russian Orthodox Church is not true to what Jesus they are a part of Satan's system...and so is the they are in it together...and are heading for a big crunch...when Jesus returns,,,Armageddon
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