Why would there be just one? The US is the greatest country this blue marble has ever seen.
Cry me a River
It gets worse every day, not to mention how bad it has gotten over the last 50 years. -
Archie Bunker
Complacency. Just like Lincoln said, we'll be done in from the inside, not from external forces. "If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will because we destroyed ourselves." Even Kruschev said it. "America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall from within." You have socialist politicians who want to turn the greatest country this world has seen into a socialist utopia. Problem being, socialism is a horrible idea and even worse in practice.
Religious Freedom. It is the First Amendment to the US constitution. That's one good thing about America. Everyone has the right to practice his or her own Religion.
Cry me a River
America has persecuted Baptists, and continue to do so... -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Over what? More than 40% of all Baptists worldwide reside in the US. How is it against the law in America to be a Baptist??? -
Cry me a River
Over not adhering to infant baptism, for one. Have you never heard of the Spanish Inquisition? Which the Catholics are infamous for.. it was a religious order, a lawless order in government.. America condoned it. -
Cry me a River
And I believe they still condone persecution here , today.. though it is not as extreme as the inquisition. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "Over not adhering to infant baptism, for one." The Spanish Empire had its time. It influenced a lot of "developing countries" in the Americas. Racism and misunderstandings have always played a part in the US. But nothing serious under the First Amendment to imprison Baptists over infant baptism. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "And I believe they still condone persecution here , today.. " Not the case here. You can't prove under which law. Baptists continue to practice their religious beliefs without interference. -
Archie Bunker
Koala, the Spanish Inquisition took place in the 15th century, before Columbus even left on his journey, so we couldn't really condone it. And as far as baptism is concerned, you're free to baptize or not baptize as you see fit. Like Jenny said, that's well within the First Amendment. While you might be talking about other religions not like what the Baptists do, their objections are also guaranteed by the same amendment. That's the beauty of the First Amendment. In order to allow you to express your views, you have to allow others to express theirs.
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