The key here is that the current alternates direction in each cycle, and cycles per second = frequency.
Correction 60hz(see comment below) I read your question to mean change its direction 1120 every second. One cycle is a change from 0 to peak then back to 0, then negative peak then back to 0, Half of 1120. 560hz. If i read your question to say that 1/2 cycle takes 1120 seconds, then a full cycle would take 2240 seconds. then one full cycle would take 37.333333333 minutes to complete. Then if you divide by 60 you have per minute number.9.6222222222 If you again divide by 60 you have a per second number..01037037037hz or cycles per second
Linda Joy
After reading your answer I'm more confident in my calculation. And while all that math makes you look sexy as hell, all you really have to do is divide by 2. lol -
You're right Linda Joy there was a space between the two 1's "1 120 s" then a full cycle would be 1 60 s or 60 hz
Freakishly fast!!! Are you sure you keyed that right? That's like 560 hz! Ten times normal! Isn't it? Admittedly I never studied now to calculate electrical frequency so I could be wrong. But one thing I do know is that when you're dealing with math many mistakes are made by simply not copying the problem correctly. Did you accidentally double tap the 1? Because switching polarity 120 times/second would be a more normal 60hz. Good luck though!
That's only "normal" mostly in the Americas. -
Linda Joy
But even overseas its 100 times/second or 50hz. Where, pray tell is 1120 times/second normal? -
I have to correct as there is a space between the 1 and 120 as 1 120 s so that would imply 1/120 of a second for a half cycle and then 1/60 of a second for a full cycle so the answer would be 60 cycles per second or 60hz
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