There can be too many ideas some of them are as follows Bike and Soak in the Hot Springs in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Take a Microbrewery Tour in Portland, Maine. Golf in Naples, Florida. Fly Fish in Sea Island, Georgia. Gamble in Las Vegas, Nevada etc. Enjoy your trip (Y)
i would go wherever you both want to go
Where are you? How old are you and your son? What are your son's hobbies? Click on the orange box with the pencil in it to add these details to the description section of your question so we can help you better. Don't try copying it in. Type it in. Some suggestions might be a Space and Rocket center, comic con, Disney, 6 Flags, A science, flight or sports museum, or a sporting event.
Drive across country. Nothing like spending time together and stopping to do different shit.
Don't miss Buford, WY along I-80, "The smallest town in America" Population: 1.
Camping, Hiking Just nature and you two.
go to the zoo
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