I will guess their income. Or, maybe their prior experiences with women? Nah, I will stick with income.
Linda Joy
Good guess, but that's not it. Guess again! -
I love your questions, by the way. Ok, how about their size? haha -
Linda Joy
c'mon only 72%? I think that would be higher! Thank you, I try to mix them up but some are from the radio trivia and not actually mine. Some of the answers can be really funny though so I like posting them. -
That's OK, they are still fun questions, so keep on asking. :) OK, so if it is neither their size nor their income, how about their occupation? You know, making their job sound more important than it really is? -
Linda Joy
Nope, guess again!
How much they scored?
Linda Joy
No, nothing sexual. Guess again. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
I didn't say sexual or not. -
Linda Joy
Then technically no. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
It looks like I was oddly too specific and yet too vague at the same time. LOL
How many Women have they been with?
Hmm... Not income or sexual... Expenses or travel claims from work?
Linda Joy
Nope, guess again!
Their sporting abilities & acheivements?
Linda Joy
Yes! You win! -
Professor Yaffle
As I did the 100 metres & the marathon! -
Linda Joy
Their professional success is one guess. How successful they've been with women is another.
Every single detail of their life.
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