It is getting pretty stale now. They need to bring back many of the things the old AB had including the adult section. Need to loosen up some as well. AB now seems pretty stiff and uneasy.
I've invited my local friends on many different occasions. Haven't any takers yet.
This is still a good site... just needs more participants.
i hope so
This is still a good website..
i think its pretty good now
I used it before it changed. I haven't seen the JW trolls yet, and that is good.
Linda Joy
They're here. And Mormons and anti Mormon trolls and anti Christian trolls and the divide between republicans and democrats. Most only show you why you don't want to be like them filled with hate. But some discuss valid points and issues and educate and inform.Without insulting one another. That is when good discussion and learning happens.
Yeah,sometimes it is. :)
I've seen a lot of people come and go. I've seen cycles. But the best way to improve the site is for members to participate more. (Questions AND answers) Summer is slower with people outside and on vacation. I've seen a steady stream of new users that come and go. But the questions are too slow (IMHO) I'm aware others like the questions list to roll more slowly. I used to care what kind of questions others wanted me to ask. I even posted questions because other users wanted me to. Of course people complained no matter what I did so Now I post the questions that interest me and suggest others do the same. Maybe someone else will see yours and post another similar. But please post! Give us plenty of fresh questions to answer!
I've been a member of since 2007. The site has went through several changes...I hardly ever give negative comments, but the new owners seem to neglect improvement.
It is now owned by a division of Bloomberg Media. A few old Baggers are now on 'Answermug'.
10/17/2024, I doubt it. This website is just hanging in there.
Hopefully sometime soon that there will be improvements and changes to Answerbag but you never know. If the Answerbag staff listen to the users and take action, that means some of us have been heard but if nothing is done from the staff, that means they don’t bother with our words in the questions and answers.
I don't think so. This is as good as it's going to get, IMHO. 10/20/24
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