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Hi Bootsie, it's been a long time since we've had a chance to talk. I saw your answer at "Fat Bastard's" question . I answered you there last night, but my comment has since disappeared. Yes, that kind of shit is happening around here again. Anyway, there have been no more improvements around here since shortly after the new year (2017) and we're but a month away from 2018. I don't believe there are, or have been, any human administrators looking after this site since that time. I think it's safe to say Dan and company were hired to get the site up and running, then given their walking papers. The system seems to be programed to run by robotics, with heavy spam filters. There must be an IT tech-geek who adjusts the filters from time to time, but when he/she does... everything else goes out of whack and strange things happen. Notices don't get sent, comments disappear, accounts and profiles have overlapped each other and so on, all without any response, or correction, from any form of administration. Like my profile comment says ... "Too many things don't add up around here.". I won't be holding my breath while waiting for any further new, and badly needed features to be added. It's a shame really because many of my/our old friends have come around for a peek at the new "bag" and I've spoken to a lot of them. Unfortunately the site doesn't have enough to keep their interest. Many of them (& I agree) don't like the fact that their old Q's & A's are being re-posted as if they were fresh and new. What was relevant 10 years ago doesn't cut it today. As for myself ... well, I'm still a "die hard" but I'm around less these days. I quit my old job and was going to retire, but our local John Deere dealer hunted me down, asked me to put off retirement and go to work for them. I couldn't refuse ( I get to play with a lot of very big toys and get paid very well for it) but it means that I have very little time to visit here anymore.. I'll look forward to your reply. P.S. I noticed your "golden boots", Happy belated birthday. I guess you're finally catching up to me and Andy. LOL : )
Hello Ice Man. Last time I checked in here I looked at your profile and I thought you'd left. I rarely use this site now, I've found another site to use more regularly. I may check in here again soon. Take care. :)
You will finally be seeing some new features in the next month. Unfortunately, the app has taken much, much, longer than we expected and that had consumed most of the developer resources over the last year. We're finally approaching the completion of that project and have turned some resources back to the main web site. We should have the points system launched before the end of the year and you can look forward to a number of new features and a new UI in 2018. Sorry for the lack of recent progress, but you should see that change in the near future.
Ice man
Well, I must say Dan, I'm pleasantly surprised to see you are still here. I guess there might yet be some hope for this site, maybe try updating the blog once in a while ... so we don't feel quite so abandoned. -
Yes, we will. We really appreciate all the ABers keeping the faith. I think 2018 will really be Answerbag's best year. Happy Holidays! -
Ice man
...And the very best of the seasons greetings to you and your's as well. -
Dan, I still can't see a private message system on here. We are now three months into 2018 and nothing has changed as far as I can see. I might try again in another three months or so. -
We're going beta with the app on April 15th and then you'll see some of the app features transitioned to the site. Hang in there! -
Willy D Billiams
PM is crucial in my opinion as well. -
I just got here, it's the middle of November 2018. Are there still some more implementations on the way?
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