My idol is Sir Dean Friedman. So, that tells you I am intelligent, smart, very good-looking, athletic, funny, happy, friendly, honest, amazing, incredible, popular, sexy, young, gorgeous, tanned, hard-working, awesome, brilliant, have a mind-blowing taste in music and humble and modest.
Ice man
..And that's a mighty long nose you've got there Pinocchio ... -
Lilo Avli
That's not my nose, as you well know, Big Boy !! -
Ice man
So then what do you call that thing sticking out of your face between your upper lip and your eyes ? Your "pen fifteen" ? Hmm ? -
Lilo Avli
My ears, duh.
Hmm! Level of education mostly!
Ice man
I'll give you a point for that.
To a certain degree, music tends to be a function of personality.
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