One of my favorite vacation ideas is camping. It also happens to be pretty inexpensive by comparison.
Yes Me too. Thanks OC Joe
I recommend you a trip to Sharm Elsheik in Egypt its very cheep travel compared by the best time you will enjoy first you can book amazing five stare hotel sea view for 1000 LE/person all inclusive means include swimming pool and animation team shows and activities,breakfast, dinner,lunch ,pool snake all soft drink and room service and night show in addition enjoy one of best beaches and water activity
maybe camping
What time of the year are you thinking ?
spring/summer -
Ice man
Take a camping tour up the coast into Canada. The Canadian dollar is only worth around 80 cents US. so your vacation dollars will stretch and go farther. Lots to see and do, and the people are friendly.
A visit to the homeless shelter to bring happiness to a few of them.
Yes We think alike. Been to Nicaragua a few times helping a farm family displaced by tragedy years ago.
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