Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
probably not
I give them a second chance, knowing that they'll almost certainly cheat on me again. But, making sure that the next time I'll be ready for them.
Better to cut your losses.
If by "again" you mean this person cheated once before then the fact that you are asking is sad. The answer is absolutely not, not maybe, no.
If by "again" you mean this person cheated once before then the fact that you are asking is sad. The answer is absolutely not, not maybe, no.
You might accept the fact that they cheated on you and forgive them. You might even still love them dearly. BUT ... once the bond of trust has been broken it can not be repaired. Cheaters might truly be sorry but they usually cheat again in time. Your question asks if I would trust again ... the answer is no. I've learned the hard way and speak from experience.
Hardcore Conservative
As have I. I heard a saying once...."Giving a person a second chance is like giving them bullets to the gun that they missed you with the first time."
No, if a person cheats once, he or she is bound to cheat again.
No. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Peter asked Yeshua should he forgive someone up to seven times. Yeshua replied to forgive seventy times seven. We are to forgive 490 times for each offence. This includes cheating. By forgiving it starts the rebuilding of trust. Let him without sin cast the first stone.
you will always be suspicious of them and looking over you shoulder all of the time
No confidence in them.
Absolutely NOT!!! They are going to cheat on you again!!!
I think it could depend on the circumstances. If I feel s/he is sincere.
You will always be looking over your shoulder to see if they are cheating again.
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