I'd like to ask you to cite your Source on this one Iceman. Because he didn't tell them to. He said they should it was his opinion, not an executive command. That's the difference. I've tried to stay out of it frankly. I'm disgusted by the whole thing. and this is one of the few things that would cause me to turn my back on the NFL. I haven't researched it but I believe the NFL already has rules in place regarding how the players are supposed to act during the national anthem and I think they're breaking those rules already and yes it is part of their job to do what it says in their contract that they're supposed to do. Also the popularity of the NFL has plummeted to its lowest point ever because of this disgusting exhibition of anti nationalism and anti veteran sentiment. Those players need to wake up and realize how good they've got it because they live here and because they have the NFL padding their pockets where did they think that money comes from? Ticket sales, which have also plummeted! They may eventually figure out taking a knee has a price!
Ice man
Sorry, you're right about the wording and I've corrected it. There is no rule that states they have to stand and I've read what some of the players have had to say. I don't think they are promoting anti nationalism or anti veteran sentiment at all. They have their own valid reasons for protesting. Here's a link to what some of them have to say about it. -
Linda Joy
I'm getting a broken link error on that link. Frankly I don't care what reasons they think they have for disrespecting my country and my flag but I won't be back to an NFL game or watch one on television until they learn how to show respect. I've lost respect for them. -
Linda Joy
"Here's what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson: The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses." -
Ice man
I just tried it and the link is good, try it on a computer. Again the wording is important. It states they "should stand" it doesn't say the must stand. -
Linda Joy
So let them bleed money instead. I don't care. Those privileged punks have no concept of the price my brothers and sisters paid so they could have the right to protest whatever they wish, but when they disrespect my flag and the very country that gave them the opportunity to be where they are they disrespect themselves. They disgust me! -
Linda Joy
They don't even know why they're protesting. -
I'd like to know when kneeling (genuflection) was considered a defiant gesture. -
Linda Joy
Aug 14 2016 -
Ice man
This pretty much sums it up ...... -
Linda Joy
that one says the page is not available. Oh and look here Donald said the owners should just like the operations manual says the players should but we all know none of them have to! Everybody does just whatever they want don't they? -
Ice man
I found the same report at YouTube, You may want to find a computer to view it. I'm also posting a second report as a follow up. -
Linda Joy
I don't have access to a computer. I'm against this protest and nothing's going to change my mind. They had a platform they could have used in a positive manner to effect change. Instead they chose to disrespect my flag, our veterans and our country and now they've disrespected themselves and the NFL has chosen not to put a stop to it which has brought financial decline and the decline in popularity to the NFL. They deserve their comeuppance.
Trump is quick to give his opinions and that's all they are. There are so many ways he has not earned my respect, that i put very little weight on many of his views.
Ice man
I agree. -
Linda Joy
Yesterday I didn't have an opinion but after researching a question asked on my question I found some statistics that have convinced me he's doing good for America. And that has gained my respect! Unemployment is at 4.2% the lowest in a decade, a million jobs have been added, national debt has declined 102 billion, crime is down 1.8% which is the lowest since 1990. -
His opinions are better than yours. You are biased against him.
its possible
Of course he did, He reminds me of a cartoon character falling off a cliff in slow motion but instead of the wilhelm scream, you just hear him say everything he can to prolong his fall. He appears to have very little respect for anyone he does not feel is his equal. NFL tickets are so far out of reach for most of us anyway, it is a very special occasion to get to go to a game once in a decade. I happen to agree with him but that is besides the point. I was taught that the flag stands for every individual in this country and I really do not think they are outting vetrans. They are outing all of us. They take a knee against the common working Americans that poured the concrete of the stadium and mowed the grass before the game. Those men and women get to go home and watch the game on tv, maybe if it isn't only on the NFL network or ESPN which I do not have. For that, the players should be fired. There are plenty of other hard working Americans that would happily take their place for a lot less money.
It would be nice if this were a true statement: "With liberty and justice for all" I was so surprised one day to hear a dear friend say how she hates the small town we live in. I quickly found out that her bad experiences were directly related to her appearance/ An ethnic minority. I at first didn't want to believe that the town and its people that i love could also have this kind of ugly predjudice. with more stories and direct video of how those not of the dominant culture are treated not only by other folks, but work places and encounters with officials. The action to take a knee is specifically to show solidarity with the oppressed based on their appearance and/or ethnic heritage. So it a challenge to all to be aware of this disparity of liberty and justice, and then apply pressure on the system where it oppresses anyone and more fully live up to the lines.....and liberty and justice for all......... -
That is what is so great about our evolving culture, specifically, having phones and cameras everywhere. Prejudice is coming to the fore front in so many different medias on so many levels. It can be discussed openly with our children to show them how stupid it really is. I just do not want to see it during football, but that wasn't what was asked I guess. My opinion really doesn't matter. -
Linda Joy
The problem is that the NFL is proof in itself that when people earn a position they get it regardless of race or ethnicity! Its obvious they are NOT being discriminated against! What is the goal? How do they even measure the progress of their goal? It's a proven fact that support for Black lives matter has dropped considerably since they started this shameful protest! And what about everyone else? Blacks are not the only group to experience discrimination! What about being dumb/stupid/ ugly/woman/short/fat/poor? What about Native Americans being corralled onto reservations? What about the Japanese that were put in internment camps? No one else is constantly bitching about what was done to their ancestors 100 years ago! They recognize the opportunities available and strive to attain them instead of making it their goal to antagonize police and incite and participate in riots and looting which only proves that these choices only lead to the treatment they say is prejudicial but is truly instigated by their behavior!
No, but I agree with him. Millionaire cry-babies that really do nothing more than try to increase their marketability. If they were really that concerned about inequality, they would do more than take a knee.
According to the ruling by the Supreme Court on June 13, 1943, technically yes he did. The Court said children in schools cannot be forced to stand and say a pledge of allegiance. If one was to carry this further then the football players are within their rights to not pledge or stand during an anthem. It would be a violation of their rights under the 1st and 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Ice man
Thank you, there seems to be a lot that is misunderstood of the U.S. Constitution and it's Amendments, since they were first written. -
Linda Joy
They're not in school and the operations manual says they should stand and face the flag just as Trump said they should be fired. It was his opinion and he's entitled to that option just like any other American.
If he actually said that, I agree with him. Kneeling betrays the USA and its veterans and cops. Kneelers should move if they hate the USA so much.
No since the taxpayers fund the stadiums. Why should anyone pay to be insulted and not even like football. is Nascar funded by the taxpayers? They have the whole off season to do it with their own money and time.
not sure
No, I think he is correct. It is terrible to refuse to stand for the national anthem. If anyone does not want to stand for it, he should move to another nation.
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