"She speaks on the social, technological and economic ramifications of Artificial Intelligence, (Frustrated by AB 's love to truncate quotations) also something to do with transgender issues and now I can't even find the original quote. In any case I think this whole situation is entirely the fault of the military for letting her in and keeping her when they knew better!
Hardcore Conservative
I'm not following, Linda. How is it the military's fault? -
Linda Joy
First of all with her psychiatric background she should never have been allowed in. Secondly there were at least half a dozen different instances when she should have been removed from the military and they didn't do it! And she should definitely never have been allowed sensitive information. There was one instance where she pitched a fit turned over a table damaged a computer was physically restrained had her firing pin was removed from her piece so she couldn't shoot anyone and they still didn't take away her clearance! And all this was done before any of the sensitive information was leaked. They new better! Or at least they should have! But apparently they thought her skills we're too valuable to let her go even knowing how dangerous she was! They thought they could control her, but obviously they couldn't. -
Hardcore Conservative
I think one of the problems is that you have to be careful what you call his psychiatric problems. ADA laws and all that. You have to make sure that you're not being discriminatory. We're more concerned with people's feelings now than actually making sure that people are competent to do their jobs. -
Linda Joy
They were warned by her military psychiatrist that she needed to be removed from Duty and they didn't do it.
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