I reported it for a couple of hours but all that scrolled off the page now! I've never seen it this bad before! I may check back around noon to see if they've done anything. Has it been like this all week? I haven't been here much.
Ice man
I have no idea how long it's been like this, I've been away and just got back today. Thought I'd stop by to see what's going on .... only to find that even the "questions" page was full of spam. -
Ice man
I just looked again, and clearly this has gotten way out of control. I've flagged a bunch of it and I even re-posted the question in the "About Answerbag" category, in hopes it might catch their attention. Obviously there is no one from the admin paying any attention. It should be interesting to see how long it takes for them to wake up and take notice. -
Ice man
Side note: I also noted that they were able to re-post some of those "OLD SHIT" questions ( from the archives) ... in between the spam. This place has turned into a bad joke and is starting to remind me of Rich Gazan's "fish bowl" experiments from the old AB. -
Linda Joy
I post under answer bag staff when I want to get their attention. Still I think whoever does this just does it as a side job after hours anyway I'm thankful they cleared it up!
Hahahahahaha, this just keeps getting better !!! The spammers are now even being listed as " This Week's Leaders" !!!! As if listing people from the past (who have not participated here) wasn't enough.
Linda Joy
spammers have been on the leaderboard before once there were three of them up there
Right now its all spam and necroposts, mostly spam. Of course, its usually a couple of real members posting (like Linda) in a flood of necroposts.
Linda Joy
I've only posted two new questions this week and one today. The flood is the spam. I'm pretty sure they've spammed over a thousand questions in just a day or two. I think the necro questions are coming at the same intervals that they have been. I have almost 50 unanswered notifications since I've been reading my book though. That's about all I know. I'll be back later on this evening maybe -
Subject 89P13
They bring yours back in clumps, I guess so it looks like the site is more alive. Or they'll trot out Ice Man's, and various others. They also raise the necros from the dead in clumps, usually topic clumps. -
Linda Joy
they posted over 200 new questions in an hour -
Subject 89P13
Yup. I think it lasted over a day last time I saw it happen. -
Linda Joy
Those that come up in clumps are usually being answered. When someone answers a question it goes back into the questions list. -
Linda Joy
I've seen Showers of spam, but I've never seen it this bad before. I'll check back later
definitely but it might stop since a lot of people have been reporting it
Did I miss the Spam Hurricane? I haven't noticed anything.
Oh, I just saw one and then it disappeared. Must be those Skynet Spam Hunter-Killers. -
Linda Joy
they posted over 200 new questions in an hour. Now I've got questions 'queued for spidering' that I'll probably never see again! Just like last time! -
Ice man
For those of you who missed it ... there is still plenty that got missed by the clean up. You just have to know what to look for, for example.... -
Linda Joy
Basically all the questions from 3505700 to 3507300. Give or take a few
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