no, cause i usually watched whatever i wanted
Yes, and then I got married and my wife took over. She doesn't really hog the remote . . . except at Christmas time when Hallmark is showing their Christmas movies (chic flicks).
8-25-2017 I remember when there was no choice: there was only one station.
Linda Joy
I remember having three channels. -
Jewels Vern
That was when there were certain words you couldn't say on tv. And there was a play on Broadway named "Damn Yankees". So on tv they had to call it "Darn Yankees". -
Linda Joy
Lol I remember Ricky and Lucy having to have separate beds and they couldn't use the word pregnant my how times have changed!
I remember back when it didn't make any difference...we had only one station. It came on at 4 PM and off at 11 PM. Additional: the station was XELD from Matamoros, Mexico
Yep. And I make the decisions now.
Yes. One Television we all watched together. The coolest was when me and little sis were able to stay up till past 2am to watch the first man on the moon.
Never happened to me. When we had a television, I was too young to really care. When I got into older childhood, my mother threw away the television and we didn't have one for a long time. My aunt gave me her old black and white set when she upgraded (I was around 14 at the time), so I used that to play video games occasionally, or sometimes watch the news while I did homework. I really didn't have much time to waste back then, though. I think my mom still has that old set, but it won't work with the digital telecast format since the mid-2000's.
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