My breath, first thing in the morning !!
Burning conformal coating...Smells toxic as hill.
probably, cant think of it right now
A body I had to identify in Vietnam. It had lain in the paddies for a week.
Linda Joy
I'm guessing there were dog tags involved? A week is a long time, and there has to be a lot of flesh eating activity in a paddy. Bless your heart!
My first dead guy. There's nothing like the smell of a rotting body.
Linda Joy
My first dead guy was fresh. Watched him take his last breath. -
Archie Bunker
My first one of those was a 14year old boy who was hit by a car. Held his hand and watched the lights go out. Sucks. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
That was my first thought - dead body... but, as much as that smell makes the bottom of the list of my favourite smells, there are other things that I wish I could unsmell, so I left a general answer. -
Archie Bunker
Had a guy who was in a trailer for almost 4 weeks in August before the neighbors finally called. I don't what the hell they were waiting for cause I could smell him as as I rolled into the trailer park.
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