yes, the construction guys outside, wish i could unhear them
Linda Joy
Here they empty the dumpsters at the crack of dawn every morning! But it's not just the sound, they have a flashing yellow light on the top of their truck as well! Fortunately I can just roll over and go back to sleep! You may want to invest in a set of earplugs! -
im already wearing them, it dont help, i flunked out of school cause i couldnt study, theyve been here a yr and a half, theyre supposed to be done in sept, cant wait -
Linda Joy
Well for your sake I hope they really are done in September.
yes, country music.......John Denver........those whiney high notes he tries to hit.........UGH!!! anything by the Mammas and the Papas........dreadful singing and group!!!!!!!!!
Linda Joy
I'm giving you a thumbs up because I appreciate your input. Not because I agree with you but then I like all different kinds of music.
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