Stay away from it. It could be Poison ivy or Poison oak.
Linda Joy
You're so smart!
Itchy and scratchy will then visit. I saw an Amish guy eat the baby leaves and asked him why. "To help his body harmonize with the plant"
Linda Joy
I thought of you when I wrote this question! I was thinking how you would know cuz I remember the story you told me about your dad teaching you about plants and stuff.
2 weeks ago I was cleaning out some brush along the lawn, and now I got some itchy spots, even on my scrotum!
Linda Joy
That's got to suck big time! You probably scratched them while you had that oil on your hands. Do you have plenty of calamine lotion? -
B.H. Wilson
I find that Benadryl itch stopping cream works best, but I have used calamine lotion in previous years. Baby powder also helps. -
Linda Joy
Whatever brings relief right?
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