What's HAARP ?
Linda Joy
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). I'll be posting a few more questions today (well technically it maybe tomorrow when I post them depending on how long my notifications take to answer)
The opposite. HAARP is seen as the cause of a lot of erratic weather.
Linda Joy
That's what I said. It's keeping them out of the gulf and pushing them up the Atlantic coast. I'm not convinced, just suspicious.
HAARP is used for so many things so it is hard to say but they have brought many storms into the Gulf of Mexico and have caused much destruction and death.
There are several radio transmitters like HAARP around the world. HAARP is located in Alaska. It's function is to ionize the ionosphere 40-100 miles up and induce reactions similar to auroras. Hurricanes develop off the coast of Western Africa and move west by the trade winds. As they approach North America, cyclical winds in the Atlantic either push the hurricanes north, or curve them south on their way to the Gulf. Think of it like a gate that swings around clockwise. The storm is diverted one way or the other depending on the current position of the gate. Now, what is the connection between hurricane paths in the Atlantic and a radio transmitter in Alaska pointed straight up?
This is what is said on the "official" government site. They do not like to talk about the other things they do with it.
You're confused. HAARP is nothing to do with weather control (outside the conspiracies around it). It's actually about spying on radio frequencies and controlling the "traffic" in the ionosphere among the many other things it researches. Weather is far too complex a thing to control.
They not only control weather worldwide but they also control such things as tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanos. The UN has a proclamation stating weather control cannot be used as a weapon. It hasn't stopped them yet. Tesla said, "Give me enough electrical power and I can control the weather. He proved it. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
So you are saying that a device that uses radio waves with a skin depth of several inches below the ground is capable of controlling seismic events? How would that be possible? -
Read the book Angels Don't Play this HAARP it should tell you -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
In that book, the author (whose credentials are that he is a whacko conspiracy theorist who failed a couple campaigns for public office) states that *maybe,* since earthquakes cause disturbances in the ionosphere (which is untrue in the way he presents in the book page 20 or so), there might be a slim chance that the reverse is also true. Even the author himself can't commit to the idea, so I recommend you forget about this half-baked argument.
"They" have been attempting to control the weather for many years early documents spoke of cloud-seeding and controlling hurricanes. ELF is radiation, and there has been admittance that HAARP can control the weather However, RF radiation was first mentioned in Navy documents as a form of weaponry. And one of the biggest and most expensive live studies supported by the FDA was carried out in 2018 for the affects of long term RF low-frequency non - ionizing radiation and the result of that was "clear evidence" that exposure to cell phone radiation caused a rare cancer in the hearts of male rats, and "there is equivocal evidence" in the hearts of female rats, and that current guidelines are inadequate. Yet, they then downplayed the study, cancer rates are not decreasing they are now a 1 in 2 chance of getting cancer in your lifetime and the amount of RF radiation in our environment remains unmonitored and unknown. All RF radiation is classified a 2B carcinogen which means possibly carcinogenic, the latest studies urged the IARC to upgrade the rating to 2A probably carcinogenic to humans.
Tesla, the electromagnetic scientist, did experiments on weather control. He proved with enough power it is possible to control weather. It is now known his experiments caused the dust bowl days of the 1930s, but he did not know how to control it. See the book, Angels Don't Play This HAARP". The HAARP program in Alaska has learned how to control the weather and does so many times each year. Russia also has a similar program. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Let's pick this post apart a little, since I think you need to better apply your own screen name to your posts... "Tesla, the electromagnetic scientist," nope, inventor, electrical engineer, yes, electromagnetic scientist nope. "did experiments on weather control." Again no. "He proved with enough power it is possible to control weather." I assure you that he never did this, but let's put a pin in this claim and call it "THINKER CLAIM 1." " It is now known his experiments caused the dust bowl days of the 1930s" of course that is not known, because it'd be a preposterous claim. By 1930, Tesla was completely broke, had no lab, was in his mid-70's, and had gone mentally insane. He was a very clever engineer in his youth, but it is well known that he went off the deep end. There are so many wild conspiracy theories around him simply because he went insane, but once he lost all of his funding, he spent most of his time literally talking to pigeons, not inventing cool sci-fi stuff like in the movies. Anyway, by the start of the first dust bowl, he was ten years removed from doing any sort of work at all. "but he did not know how to control it." Contradicts "THINKER CLAIM 1." You self contradicted in three sentences - that must be a new record.
Are you saying that there hasn't been a major hurricane in the gulf since the mid-1990's (when HAARP began functioning)?!
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