No. I just troll/roll on here over my coffee break.
Linda Joy
I guess in a way my asking the question made it happen. Whether it'll catch on or not is yet to be seen. .. I was just curious as to who's here today.
No, because I'd probably get a detention for absenteeism ... : )
Linda Joy
Lol! I would never do that for not answering roll. I might make somebody stand out at recess, put them in timeout or send them to their room if I think they''re getting smart with me. ( or maybe even sometimes if I get frustrated because they actually called me on my crap! Lol) -
Ice man
There used to be an ndn called Mr. Two Crows over on Yahoo answers that periodically called for a "roll call" by tribal membership. Nobody does that here though.
Sorry I'm late, bus was stuck in traffic!
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