Three Dog Night!! ....One is the loneliest number that you'll ever doooooooo *singing* Twooooo can be as bad as one. It;'s the loneliest number since the number.. wu..huuun! :D
Linda Joy
No is the saddest experience you'll ever know Yes is the saddest experience you'll ever know cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever know one is the loneliest number even worst then two yeah its just no good anymore since you went away now I spend my time just making up rhymes of yesterday I'm going to bed now really good night
5-14-2017 Well, that's how you teach kids to read. You stumble over the bedtime story, saying "O-O-O" and the kid says "Once upon a time!"
Linda Joy
Its been a long time since I read a child a bedtime story! I miss it. -
All the long way to school And all the way back, I've looked and I've looked And I've kept careful track. But all that I've noticed, Except my own feet Was a horse and a wagon on Mulberry Street. There. No child required (though it helps).
No - I can't say that I've ever wondered that.
Linda Joy
What about now did you wonder it after you saw my question? -
No - I can't say your question made me wonder about it either. -
Linda Joy
Do you ever wonder why they're called apartments when they're all stuck together? -
One of AB's duplicate posts.
Linda Joy
Oh come on!!! You know you don't have to resort to this to get my attention! Lol where's that frustration category already? ! -
You'd think the AB staff would've seen us asking for one and made the category by now. -
Linda Joy
I'm not sure there's anybody running this place. -
Linda Joy
Are you still here? You haven't left too have you?
Yes, that very question perplexed me for years ... then it dawned on me .. we'd have to find a new way to spell ...won. :/
Linda Joy
Good point just one of the perplexities of the English language -
Now think of all the sounds of "o" Go Not Of Do Wolf And of course "One" -
Linda Joy
Yes a phonetic curiosity
It should be spelled *whun.
Know eye hav knot.
"halve" -
Linda Joy
Lol -
There is a "W" in WON! If you won the race that is!
No, my brain gets too tired if I wonder.
Ice man
Eat more broccoli. -
we are dough 68
I'm still looking for the broccoli tree on this island. -
Linda Joy
Amazon could probably get you some! Maybe by drone? See if they'll let you order it online!
There is. Won.
Linda Joy
But then it wouldn't be one. I like Boola Boo's answer. Did you see it? Its up 6 answers.
Never gave it a thought. I guess that's a ponder time. Lo. 😄
William Tyndale's translation of the Bible spells it "won." But, there are a lot of weird spellings in that translation, because it was written about 400 years before spelling in English was standardized. In fact, words were often spelled two or even three different ways in the same passages. For example, the opening passage of the Gospel of John, or "The Gospell off Sancta Jhon" - "In the begynnynge was that worde and that worde was with god and god was thatt worde. The same was in the begynnynge wyth god."
But there is, "won". The spelling difference is to make the 2 words distinguishable when writing "not righting" them.
To throw a monkey wrench into that, take a look at various homographs. Lead can be a verb "to guide" or a noun "a heavy metal." Bow can be "to bend at the waist" or "the front of a boat" or my favorite xiao long bao ;) -
Yup, the teachers used to say "there is an exception for every rule" when they were teaching us English in school. Like "I before E except after C" etc.
lol yeah its crazy
Considering the education level of a lot of millennials, I can't say that there isn't. If they can butcher "two" ("to", "too"), they've probably already done a number on "one". ("number" - I made a funny...😆)
Do you wonder why there is no "U" in wun?
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