Pint of Guinness and a bag of pork scratchings, please.....
Linda Joy
Is that like pork rinds? -
War is the business of peace. Nothing causes more wars than people's pursuit of a peace that suits only them. -
Yes very ironic. I think the public justifications heard on the mainstream news are always fictionalized to justify aggressive and destructive actions. "When will we ever learn"?
Man will war till there ain't nobody left no more.
Leave a fanatic alone in a room long enough and he'll beat himself up.
Mr PantsFellDown
and down. Oops *runs off*
I believe it was Plato who said "It is only the dead who have seen the end of War." Wars have been playing out since Cain and Able.
Sadly yes. A consequence of forgetting our deeper value, that all life is connected. -
Linda Joy
Satan has dominion here until Christ returns. Then there will be peace
War? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! So claimed Edwin Starr, and he was right.
Linda Joy
Say it again! -
War? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! -
Now that tune is in my head
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