It all depends on the wilderness. Desert, forest,arctic or Antarctic ,rain forest, savanah, Be more specific please. But in any situation, water and shelter are most important. First thing, find water.
Forest Wilderness.
I guess that depends on the type of "wilderness". Wooded mountains - probably.. very well. Open desert - probably .. not so much.
Desert island....? -
Ice man
No thanks , I'm trying to cut down on the cakes & pastries ...and you should too, if you know what I mean ... -
You said you liked my love handles..... -
LOL, CUTE. DESSERT, DESERT, I choose desert, and island of mocha chip ice cream.
Phone for a pizza and large cola, duh.....
Now that's roughing it.... NO NAPKINS ! -
Can I use my omnipresent handkerchief....? -
Ice man
That handkerchief probably looks like a medium all dressed so don't confuse the two ... -
What would happen if I did....?
Amazon delivery by drone!
Find your way out or find supplies. You can live without food for weeks, but only without water for a couple of days at best, so find drinkable water. A man stranded on the ocean drank salt water after filtering it through a tee shirt, and it was just hydrating enough to survive. The other thing to note is that calories are not hard to come by - tree bark, grass, etc. can be boiled and eaten, but - but, the body needs certain nutrients to metabolize those calories in order to make them count for anything, and those metabolites are very difficult to come by in the wilderness. Also, nature can be cruel, so prepare to fend off bears and wolves and rabid squirrels for your survival. But if you find running water and follow it down-stream, maybe you'll find civilization, which would be the best bet, unless if you are very far from civlization.
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