I have a mountain of patience with people, but a short fuse with trolls.
Ice man
I think we've already noticed that. : )
I, the majority of the time have a short fuse though it can be circumstance dependent.
Ice man
Ok, I'll keep that in mind when I'm wisecrackin'. lol : ) -
Temperance Brennan
I'll take that as a challenge. I'm quite practiced in the art of wisecracking. ;) -
Your profile is of Temperance, from Bones (great show) meaning peace of mind and clarity of truth. so idk if having a short fuse is worth of temperance. kinda the opposite.
well it definitely depends on the situation. Noramlly i am a very calm and quiet person, very reserved and well introverted if i can say. I tend to analyse more than i express what im thinking. But let me tell you i have a short fuse with certain situations. I can blow up faster than magnesium powder i'm red hot and there is no stopping me till i've had my say or ive made a point of how ignorant and stupid something or someone is. so it really depends on the situation.
Ice man
Mountain of patience when the temperature is in the mid-70s. When it's in the mid-90s, a short fuse.
Ice man
Understandable. Thanks
With family, I have a mountain of patience. Otherwise, a short fuse
Ice man
I have a mountain of patience, but I do have a boiling point.
Ice man
Don't we all ? ; -) Thanks. I've been called back to work early, so I won't be around much from here on out but will stop in when I get some time off..
I have short pants and a mountain of fuse.
Ice man
Don't look now ... but is that your "mountain" that's hanging out of your pant leg ? -
Lilo Avli
I don't wear pants whilst chatting to you. -
Ice man
Or Brenda, or the vicar, or Linda, or the rest of the choir ... the list goes on and on. -
Lilo Avli
Like my sexual stamina, then. -
Ice man
No, not really and Brenda says you're a one shot wonder... -
Lilo Avli
Damn it. That's the last time I lend him my pool cue.
Usually a lot of patience, but not if I drink coffee
Ice man
That's understandable.
a lot of patience do I have except for that person that is still tweeting after the traffic light has changed...GRRRR
Ice man
Oh yeah, that's a tit twister for sure.
Both, I pick and choose!
When I was in the homeless shelter I had a roommate who made it her mission in life to piss me off every chance she got. When I told my psychiatrist they better do something or I was going to slap that bitch they gave me medication and after taking it I went home and there was nothing she could do that could piss me off I just laughed at her! So I'm going to have to say it depends on my medication. Lol
Lilo Avli
Please mind your language...there are atheists on here. -
Ice man
I can think of a few people around here that could stand using your medication ... (but I won't mention any names).. -
Lilo Avli
Oh please do. -
Linda Joy
I don't take it anymore. Don't need it.
I am patient.
i dont have any Fuse
a short fuse with stupid people
I’m somewhere in between a short fuse and a mountain of patience if that makes sense
A mountain of patience, as it is to stay calm in the face of waiting and distress.
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