Maybe they have reintroduced the penalty box and stuck him in there. If I was a staff member I would have reintroduced the penalty box especially for that sadistic bully, and I would have given him an extremely long sentence.
Are you talking about a user with a display name like "48-year-old virgin", or about a user telling about being a 48-year-old virgin? (1) Maybe he just changed his display name: please lookup "Why would someone change their profile name on here?" (2) I found out that a question on this issue has been asked on the site "some time ago", but it has been removed.
Nosmo King
How did you find out that a question on this issue has been asked on the site "some time ago", but it has been removed? Don't tell me you are still a community leader here. As for the question "Why would someone change their profile name on here?", I have already seen that and the user I refer to is in fact the one who posted it. I noticed his absence in the last couple of days but I wanted to draw attention to him because he has been stalking and harassing two female users who happen to be friends of mine. Just because he is still a virgin at 48, that doesn't give him the right to behave like that, does it? -
@Nosmo King: I looked in Google cache, a question about this was still there. I just learned about this new Answerbag site and I don't have any particular function. It seems that some kind of monitoring is taking place, though, because they removed that new question. I also noticed a new red flag icon by answers and comments, but I haven't used this feature yet. -
Nosmo King
The new flag feature is like the one on the old site. What do you think I should do about the 48-year-old virgin who was stalking and harassing two female users who happen to be friends of mine? Please do not suggest I ignore him, because I happen to be a Pisces and as you very well know, people of that sign are simply not the ignoring kind. As it happens, one of the women who was being stalked and harassed by that pervert is also a Pisces and I can see she has certainly not ignored him. That alone proves my point about Pisces, doesn't it? -
@iwnit: Nosmo King is referring to "we are dough", also known as "simonjhollands". This is his profile: -
BTW I am one of the women who was being stalked and harassed by that pervert, and I'm a Pisces, so Nosmo is definitely right about that. -
@inwit: I am the other woman who was being stalked and harassed by that same pervert. I don't know how many others he has been stalking and harassing, but Crazychick is a friend of mine in real life and we have been discussing the matter and what we should do about it. -
@Nosmo King : as we can now report answers and comments, I suggest that you report as offensive the answers or comments which you consider offensive. I also tried to report spammers at the address which they use to send answer notifications or password reset ( ) but I have not yet received a human feedback from that address. -
@Bootsiebaby, Crazychick: thank you for your input. -
@iwnit: I tried using that email address and I have not yet received any feedback either. -
Nosmo King
@iwnit: I used to flag offensive postings on the old AB and they were seldom removed. I tried messaging various community leaders about that and they usually fobbed me off with feeble, half-baked excuses like "offensive is in the eye of the beholder" and even "he was only joking". How can I be sure the new AB is not going to be like that? How can I be sure that if member A posts something that offends member B, member A's posting will always be removed to protect member B's feelings? I would also like to add that this is not all about me, it is not all about Bootsiebaby and it is not all about Crazychick. We all want this new site to be completely free of offensive troll posts to protect the feelings of ALL normal people who use the site. Does that make sense to you, iwnit? -
@Bootsiebaby: at least we have now the option to report questions! ...... @Nosmo King: we cannot be sure of how the new AB will work, but I would rather hope for the best than fear the worst. As long as there are no Community Leaders, no harm can come from that direction. The important point to remember is that 'Answerbag has the right, but not the obligation to resolve disputes between users relating to the Service and Answerbag's resolution of a particular dispute does not create an obligation to resolve any other dispute. Answerbag's resolution of any dispute is final with respect to the Service.' This is written in the Terms of Service, see -
Nosmo King
I've already seen the terms of use, iwnit. But what happens when the admin are wrong? I mean, falsely accusing member A of being member B's sockpuppet when I happen to know the people concerned in real life. Why does that even happen anyway? Doesn't it sound too much like false accusation? Remember, false accusation is absolutely not allowed after 1970 under any circumstances whatsoever. As far as I know (and I have plenty of evidence to back me up) it was all done to test our reactions. Nobody believes any of those episodes were "mistakes" so it's no use expecting me to swallow that. What the site really needs is new community leaders who know what they are doing. I can see one potential candidate from here and I like her boots.
Hopefully he's been banned for stalking and harassing me. He thoroughly deserves to be banned from the Internet full stop.
I couldn't agree more. -
Were you both bullied as a child? -
Nosmo King
"Were you both bullied as a child?". That implies that Crazychick and Bootsiebaby are the same person. They are not, and numerous postings in their individual profiles make it obvious they are not the same person if you take the trouble to look. What you should have asked was "Were you both bullied as children?". A little correct grammar goes a long way towards clearing up misunderstandings. A little incorrect grammar goes even further towards causing misunderstandings. I know because I have become embroiled in many misunderstandings myself on the old AB and other sites because of other people's incorrect grammar.
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