"I hate it when that happens."...LMAO...I'd probably throw a sheet over it and ask my wife; Does this sheet smell funny?
Ice man
LOL. The one I encountered left her pantyhose draped over the lamp shade. : ) -
Linda Joy
'One' being a snake, a wife, or both? -
Ice man
No not a wife, not mine at least. She was a trouble maker who liked telling lies. You could say it was was a very short relationship.
If I found a snake in my bed I don't know what I would do because I would be gone already! Faster than thinking about what I would do for sure!!! Oh, and then I would have to go clean up when I set foot on the world again!
Ice man
lol Thanks : )
Put it in that 48-year-old virgin's bed and hope it bites his dick.
Ice man
Don't hold back now. lol -
Well, it would serve him right, wouldn't it, the callous bastard as he is.
Don't want to even think about that! I really hate snakes. If I find one I chop off the head and bury it so no one can get bit! A dead snake can still bite. Jan.25
Ice man
Oh really ? How can a dead lifeless "anything" bite you. On second thought I once had a girlfriend that was like that too. : ) -
Reflexes Jan. 26 -
Linda Joy
Lol @ Ice man!
So your question is # 3496249 ?
Ice man
Yes, that is the "view/number " for this question.
Ice man
But you already do that every morning ... don't you ? -
Ice man
Oh yes, Walt. He asked what would happen if he made a mistake and inserted the dish wash detergent bottle instead. I told him that he shouldn't worry and he would be able to see shiny bubbles when you fart. He smiled, I think he liked the idea. -
Ice man
I was too embarrassed to check for a bulge, but I could tell he smiled because the corners of his mustache lifted by a centimeter, and his eyes opened & twinkled with glee. So don't say you haven't been warned.... -
Tie it up in the sheet and then go get an aquarium to put it in.
Ice man
What if it was a dangerous snake ? -
Linda Joy
Wear gloves? -
Ice man
I can see it now ... "Just wait right there Mr Spitting Cobra, I'll be right back, just have to go get my gloves" ... lol -
Linda Joy
Spitting cobra, Ice man?! Really?! What are the odds? As long as I've lived the only snake l've had in my bed was human and I invited them in! Lol -
My cobra spits every night and twice every morning. I really must wash those bed sheets one day......
Snakes don't frighten me. I'd get a broom handle and pin his head down so I could safely pick it up then carry him around the neighborhood scaring anyone I see.
Ice man
Good answer, I like the neighborhood idea. I might have to take the asshole next door a present. : ) -
Linda Joy
If it's a spitting cobra that may be considered assault with a deadly weapon! LOL You may want to be stealth about it Ice man!
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