You can thank your lucky stars that you're not as smart as you'd like to think you are.
we are dough
My stars have never been lucky. Only vengeful..... -
Nosmo King
Blame yourself for that. It's Karma. -
we are dough
The sea was calmer before we left the Keys.....
You're a fine one to be asking that question, you little hypocrite. I'm the one who should be asking you that.
You tell him, Crazychick! :) -
we are dough
No, we are not, and even if we were, you are the last person we would choose to have a threesome.
If you are talking about what I said to you, you know why I said it.
we are dough
Hey Larry, can I borrow your car; I've got a date tonight with a movie star.....
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