Not this one. My husband occasionally washes and dries when he feels like it.
Ice man
At least he helps - right. Thanks : ) -
Actually I quite like being the lady of the house which I never was until I married several years ago. And I like the idea of MY kitchen and MY dishwasher and MY sink and MY oven and MY dishes etc. which carries over into washing them - I like to see them done and sparkling. I can be quite the little housewife. at times. Except when it comes to cleaning - we have too many rooms so a lot of surfaces to clean and I might psych myself up and make headway on one or two but the others often have to wait a month or two for their turn. -
Ice man
Good for you. It's no big deal if you're not using the extra rooms anyway..
Well, well, well.......
Ice man
And that's what you get for leaving the toilet seat up again, mister. So there !!! -
we are dough
Ice man
Hahahahahahahahaha The troll has been trolled. Hahahahahahaaha -
we are dough
I am misunderstood. More of a saddo than a troll...
My wife fantasizes about it, but it must remain a fantasy...
Ice man
Yes, I understand [he says while drying his hands]. LOL Thanks Bill. -
we are dough
Why were your hands wet....? -
Ice man
I missed the toilet.again : ( -
we are dough
I see why your five wives got annoyed with you......
Some do, I don't.
Ice man
You have a dishwasher I'll bet. : ) -
we are dough
His name is Stan..... -
Ice man
Pretty sure it's not Derek ... -
we are dough
I have no hands, remember.....
Ice man
we are dough
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